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The Situation
The food service industry has a challenge with the cleanliness and preservation of its refrigeration and freezer units. Over time the food products inside them drip and spoil. The spoilage forms areas of mould and other unhealthy environments which becomes a problem for maintaining health and safety standards. High salt levels and acid content from food and marinades also accelerate corrosion on the interior surfaces of the refrigerator or freezer.
To combat the cleanliness challenge the industry cleans its freezers and refrigerators frequently using hot water and mops. This constant use of water and scrubbing, while addressing much of the dirt in middle of the floor, is not always effective in the corners where metal floors and walls meet in seams. Additionally the damp environment contributes to the corrosion of the metal surfaces.
The food industry is a competitive industry that cannot afford excessive down time for maintenance. This means many projects in the refrigerator or freezer cannot begin until late in the evening after the dinner hour is complete, and they need to be done with the refrigerator or freezer returned to service for breakfast.
The Procedure
The franchise creates a modular subfloor given the Freezer/Cooler’s dimensions. The system includes 3/4” pre-coated composite subfloor and wall cove trim pieces. The pre-coated modular system enables freezer/cooler application in one evening in a wet environment.
LINE-X Freezer system is installed minimizing air gaps and levelling the unit’s floor. Once floor and wall pieces are installed seams are minimized utilizing our low temperature fast set joint sealant. The specifications of the wall coving pieces accommodate Health Department requirements and prevent pooling of liquids at wall/floor joint. Modular system is then sprayed with a second protective coating to facilitate airtight water tight monolithic membrane. The end product is a flooring system that is 125 mils DFT on all working surfaces that has eliminated moisture mitigation, corrosion, and minimized slippery conditions.
The Solution
LINE-X conducts initial assessment to determine extent of damage/deterioration. Measurements are taken to determine size of our modular system. LINE-X removes or repairs the damaged/deteriorated components of the freezer. LINE-X conducts mold inspection and mitigation is conducted if mould is present. Pre-coated modular system is installed. XS-350 is sprayed to installed components to provide monolithic membrane in floor and up walls to desired height.
Work is to be completed in one evening to eliminate restaurant downtime.
The Results
The store management and staff were thrilled with the results of the commercial grade protective coating. The LINE-X system addressed their issues with their uneven, battered, and deteriorated freezer with a solution that also mitigated their slip concerns. They were ecstatic with the end product and that they didn’t turn customers away in the process.